Erbenobili Satellite Symposium: Gut dysbiosis. A place for SIBOSOLV
Thursday, 22 May (13.00-14.00)
Moderators: Piero Portincasa and Mohamad Khalil (University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy)
13.00-13.05 Introduction, by P. Portincasa
13.05-13.30 Diagnostic aspects in leaky gut, by M. Khalil, V. Perniola13.30-13.55 Gut dysbiosis: pathophysiology and therapeutic approaches, by P. Portincasa
13.55-14.00 Take-home message
Scientific secretariat: M. Khalil, H. Abdallah, G. Pietragalla, L. Mahdi, V. Perniola