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Symposium 2 | Aging and Vascular Health: Integrating Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Perspective

ESCI Council: Carlos Zaragoza and Gemma Vilahur

ESCI YRC: Aldo Bonaventura and Jamol Uzokov

Invited Organizer(s): Pietro Ameri and Matteo Pardini


Meeting room: To be decided

Wednesday, 21 May


13.30-15.00 Session 2.1. Valvular heart disease and aging: updates about diagnosis and treatment

Chairs: Carlos Zaragoza (Madrid, Spain), Jamol Uzokov (Uzbekistan)


13.30-13.55 Brain aging and heart failure: is only the heart failing?, by Fiammetta Monacelli

13.55-14.20 Integrin Linked Kinase: a promising molecular marker for Calcific Aortic Valve disease prevention. Clinical implications, by Marta Saura (Madrid, Spain)                      

14.20-14.35 Unveiling new molecular markers of Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation in a new percutaneous non-invasive porcine model of FTR, by Claudia González (Madrid, Spain)

14.35-14.50 Oral presentation

14.50-15.00 Discussion         


15.00-15.30 Coffee-break


15.30-17.00 Session 2.2. Advancing research in cardiomyopathy and heart failure

Chairs: Pietro Ameri (Genoa, Italy), Gemma Vilahur (Barcelona, Spain)


15.30-15.50 Care of patients with heart failure: current status and perspectives, by Riccardo Inciardi (Brescia, Italy)

15.50-16.10 Care of patients with cardiomyopathies: current status and perspectives, by Marco Canepa (Genoa, Italy)           

16.10-16.30 Aortic stenosis: of valves, hearts and men, by Javier Bermejo (Madrid, Spain)

16.30-16.50 Vascular function in cardiometabolic disease, by Elena Osto (Zurich, Switzerland)

16.50-17.00 Discussion


17.00-17.30 Opening ceremony

17.30-18.30 Opening lecture

18.30 Welcome drink


Thursday, 22 May


08.15-09.00 Pas gras outreach activity


09.00-10.30 Session 2.3. Acute coronary syndrome: innovations in prevention, diagnosis and lifesaving care

Chairs: Carlos Zaragoza (Madrid, Spain), Italo Porto (Genova, Italy)


09.00-09.25 Inflammation the messenger between heart and brain in ischemic syndromes, by Lina Badimón (Barcelona, Spain)     

09.25-09.50 Cardiac regeneration after injury: where do we stand?, by Sveva Bollini (Genoa, Italy)

09.50-10.15 Epigenetic regulation at the crossroads between cardiovascular risk and resilience in Familial Hypercholesterolemia, by Teresa Padro (Barcelona, Spain)

10.15-10.30 Oral presentation


10.30-11.00 Coffee-break


11.00-12.30 Session 2.4. Managing cardiovascular risk factors to improve outcomes. EFIM-ESCI joint session

Chairs: Luca Liberale (Genoa, Italy), Fabrizio Montecucco (Genoa, Italy)


11.00-11.20 Nanotechnology and Cardiovascular Disease. selecting the right targets to glide seamlessly across the ballroom, by Carlos Zaragoza (Madrid, Italy)

11.20-11.40 Ten things to do in heart failure, by Alberto Marra (Naples, Italy)
11:40-12.00 Omega-3 fatty acids: a potent ally in cardio protection, by Gemma Vilahur, Barcelona

12.00-12.20 Ten things not to do in heart failure, by Chiara Cogliati (Milan, Italy)
12.20-12.30 Discussion


12.30-13.30 Poster session

13.30-14.30 Lunch


14.30-16.00 Session 2.5. Aging and the cardiovascular health: pioneering research for lifelong wellness

Chairs: Aldo Bonaventura (Varese, Italy), Francesca Viazzi (Genoa, Italy)


14.30-14.50 From pregnancy to menopause: the lasting impact of reproductive health on cardiac and cerebrovascular aging, by Elisa Llurba (Barcelona, Spain)

14.50-15.10 Unveiling CAP1 as a new cardiovascular aging biomarker, by Ignacio Hernández (Madrid, Spain)

15.10-15.30 Harnessing trained immunity for cardiac protection in myocardial infarction, by Laura Tesoro (Madrid, Spain)

15.30-15.45 Oral presentation

15.45-16.00 Oral presentation


16.00-16.30 Sponsored symposia

16.30-17.30 Poster session and coffee-break

17.30-18.30 Satellite symposia

20.00 Congress dinner


Friday, 23 May


09.00-10.30 Session 2.6. Dissecting the mechanisms of cerebrovascular disease

Chairs: Pietro Ameri (Genoa, Italy), Massimo del Sette (Genoa, Italy)


09.00-09.25 Platelet activation: from mechanisms to therapeutic targets, by Roberto Carnevale (Rome, Italy)

09.25-09.50 Aging and cerebrovascular disease: a translational overview, by Giovanni Camici (Zurich, Switzerland)

09.50-10.05 Oral presentation

10.05-10.20 Oral presentation

10.20-10.30 Discussion


10.30-11.00 Coffee-break


11.00-12.30 Session 2.7. Beyond acute therapy in stroke: long-term care

Chairs: Angelo Schenone (Genoa, Italy), Matteo Pardini (Genoa, Italy)


11.00-11.25 Timing of anticoagulation after an ischaemic stroke, by Maurizio Paciaroni (Perugia, Italy)

11.25-11.50 Update on stroke rehabilitation, by Carlo Trompetto (Genoa, Italy)

11.50-12.05 Oral presentation

12.05-12.20 Oral presentation

12.20-12.30 Discussion


12.30-14.00 Poster session and lunch

14.00-14.45 Closing ceremony

15.00-17.00 Multi-focus plenary session, ESCI Prices and Medal


