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Symposium 1 | Mitochondria: physiology and pathology

ESCI Council: Mariusz Wieckowski and Paulo Oliveira
ESCI YRC: Felippe Zuccolotto Dos Reis, Stefano Ministrini
Invited Organizer(s): Michelangelo Campanella

Meeting room: To be decided

Wednesday, 21 May 

13.30-15.00 Session 1.1. Mitochondrial signalling in health and disease - part I
Chairs: Paulo Oliveira, Mariusz Wieckowski

13.30-13.55 Michelangelo Campanella
13.55-14.20 Robert Taylor
14.20-14.30 Oral presentation
14.30-15.40 Oral presentation
14.40-15.00 Flash talks from the posters

15.00-15.30 Coffee-break

15.30-17.00 Session 1.2. Mitochondrial signalling in health & disease - part II
Chairs: Robert Taylor, Afshan Malik

15.30-15.55 Mariusz Wieckowski
15.55-16.20 Mitochondrial diseases: from mechanisms to therapy, by Carlo Viscomi (Padua, Italy)
16.20-16.30 Oral presentation
16.30-15.40 Oral presentation
15.40-15.00 Flash talks from the posters

17.00-17.30 Opening ceremony
17.30-18.30 Opening lecture
18.30 Welcome drink

Thursday, 22 May

08.15-09.00 Pas gras outreach activity

09.00-10.30 Session 1.3. Mitochondria in obesity and metabolic syndrome - part I (Joint with Pas Gras)

Chairs: Michelangelo Campanella, María Eugenia Soriano

09.00-09.25 The PAS GRAS project - an update, by Paulo J. Oliveira (Coimbra, Portugal)
09.25-09.50 Identifying pathways of mitochondrial dysfunction that may contribute to obesity related co-morbidities, by Afshan Malik (London, UK)
09.50-10.00 Oral presentation
10.00-10.10 Oral presentation
10.10-10.30 Flash talks from the posters

10.30-11.00 Coffee-break

11.00-12.30 Session 1.4. Mitochondria in obesity and metabolic syndrome - part II (Joint with Pas Gras)
Chairs: Felippe Zuccolotto Dos Reis, Fabiana Perocchi

11.00-11.25 Impact of metabolic status on bioenergetics in children and adults with obesity, by Eugénia Carvalho (Coimbra, Portugal)
11.25-11.50 Platelet mitochondria in metabolic disease, by Hans Zischka (Munich, Germany)
11.50-12.00 Oral presentation
12.00-12.10 Oral presentation
10.10-10.30 Flash talks from the posters

12.30-13.30 Poster session
13.30-14.30 Lunch

14.30-16.00 Session 1.5. Mitochondria in immunity and inflammation
Chair: Hans Zischka, Eugénia Carvalho

14.30-14.55 ATAD3 Protein Family Members Orchestrate Mitochondrial Translation with Metabolic Reprogramming, by Maria Eugenia Soriano (Padua, Italy)
14.55-15.20 Fabiana Perocchi
15.20-15.30 Oral presentation
15.30-15.40 Oral presentation
15.40-16.00 Flash talks from the posters

16.00-16.30 Sponsored symposia
16.30-17.30 Poster session and coffee-break
17.30-18.30 Satellite symposia
20.00 Congress dinner

Friday, 23 May

09.00-10.30 Session 1.6. Mitochondria in age-related diseases - part I
Chairs: Stefano Ministrini, Michele Visentin 

09.00-09.25 Mitochondria transfer in glioblastoma, by Marie-Luce Vignais (Montpellier, France)
09.25-09.50 Synaptic transmission is abnormal in Ndufs4-/- mouse brain and human glutamatergic neurons with NDUFS4 mutations, by Werner Koopman (The Netherlands)
09.50-10.00 Oral presentation
10.00-10.10 Oral presentation
10.10-10.30 Flash talks from the posters

10.30-11.00 Coffee-break

11.00-12.30 Session 1.7. Mitochondria in age-related diseases - part II
Chairs: Marie-Luce Vignais, Werner Koopman

11.00-11.25 Mitochondria in drugs-related adverse effects, by Michele Visentin (Zurich, Switzerland)
11.25-11.50 Felippe Zuccolotto Dos Reis
11.50-12.00 Oral presentation
12.00-12.10 Oral presentation
12.10-12.30 Flash talks from the posters

12.30-14.00 Poster session and lunch
14.00-14.45 Closing ceremony
15.00-17.00 Multi-focus plenary session, ESCI Prices and Medal
