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GUT-liver and lifestyle session-4: Gut-liver axis and therapeutics

Track 3
Thursday, May 22, 2025
11:00 - 12:30


ORGANIZERS ESCI Council: Paula Macedo and Marcin Krawczyk ESCI YRC: Harshita Shanmugan Invited Organizer(s): Federico Gatto, Edoardo Giannini and Piero Portincasa


Giovanni Sarnelli
University of Napoli

Next generation probiotics and MASLD

11:00 - 11:30


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Mauro D'Amato
LUM University

Genetic profiling for carbohydrate maldigestion in irritable bowel syndrome

11:30 - 12:00


Mauro D'Amato is Professor of Medical Genetics at the Department of Medicine and Surgery at LUM University in Casamassima - Italy, and Ikerbasque Research Professor and Head of the Gastrointestinal Genetics Lab in CIC bioGUNE, Bilbao - Spain. His career has developed through an international trajectory, holding research and academic positions at international institutions across UK, Sweden, Spain and Australia. Professor D’Amato has >25 years research experience in the field of human genetics and complex diseases, with activities geared towards a translational application for therapeutic precision in gastroenterology. His team, the Gastrointestinal Genetics Laboratory, combine leading expertise in genomic, computational and pre-clinical research, and have linked specific genes and pathogenetic mechanisms to a number of gastrointestinal diseases including inflammatory bowel disease, microscopic colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Professor D’Amato has an H-index of 78, has edited 2 books and published extensively in the field of human genetics and gastrointestinal disease.


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Jerzy Kotlinowski
Jagiellonian University

Michal Zorniak
Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology
