Cardiovascular session-3: Acute coronary syndrome: innovations in prevention, diagnosis and lifesaving care
Track 2
Thursday, May 22, 2025 |
9:00 - 10:30 |
ESCI Council: Carlos Zaragoza and Gemma Vilahur
ESCI YRC: Aldo Bonaventura and Jamol Uzokov
Invited Organizer(s): Pietro Ameri and Matteo Pardini
Lina Badimon
Inflammation the messenger between heart and brain in ischemic syndromes
9:00 - 9:25Biography
Prof. Lina Badimon is the Director of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation for Prevention and Innovation in Health (FICSI) and Chair of Cardiovascular Health and Network Medicine, University of Vic (UVIC-UCC), Barcelona. Her research activities focus on cardio-metabolic diseases, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease. She has published over 705 articles in highly qualified journals with her work highly cited (citations: >83,000; H: 108). She has written more of 250 reviews and book chapters. Previous appointments include Director of the Cardiovascular Sciences Institute-ICCC in Barcelona, Director of the Cardiology-Research Laboratory and Associate Professor of Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY; and Lecturer in Medicine at Harvard Medical School/Consultant-to-the-Cardiac Unit, at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. She has been Vice-President of European Society of Cardiology and of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, and President of the European Society for Clinical Investigation and of the Spanish Society of Atherosclerosis. She is Professor National Scientific Research Council (CSIC); Academic of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia (RAMC); Academic of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia (RAFC) and Academic of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy of Spain (Institute of Spain) (RANF); and President EMLTD-Foundation (European-Mediterranean League Against Thrombosis. She is Executive Board Member of European Heart Journal, and Member of Editorial Boards of various international scientific journals (Nature Cardiology, CVR, Atherosclerosis, TH, etc); She is member of Scientific Advisory Boards of National and International Research Institutions and International Funding Agencies in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Poland, Spain, The Netherlands, and UK. She is the President of the External Advisory Board of the Berlin Institute of Health (2020- ); President of the External Advisory Boards and Supervisory Board of IMIBIC, INIBIC, IBIMA and ISPA (different Biomedical Science Institutes from the Carlos III Network associated to University Hospitals in Spain) (2008- ); President of the SAB of the Cardiovascular Ludwig Boltzman Institute of the University of Vienna (2019-).
Sveva Bollini
Associate Professor Of Experimental Biology
University of Genova
Cardiac regeneration after injury: where do we stand?
9:25 - 9:50Biography
Nucleus, a group of proactive researchers, working closely with the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science to support and mentor trainees and early career scientists. From 2024 is also part of the Nucleus of the ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Regenerative and Reparative Medicine.
Teresa Padro
Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona
Epigenetic regulation at the crossroads between cardiovascular risk and resilience in Familial Hypercholesterolemia
9:50 - 10:15Biography
Italo Porto
Carlos Zaragoza
University Hospital Ramón y Cajal